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            So that you continue to have the best possible employees in your ranks in the future.

            Strategic personnel development for individual potential development

            Employee development describes the operational training and professional, social, methodical and personal further development of employees. Personnel development becomes "strategic" when it is anchored holistically, consistently, structured, systematically and meaningfully in the company as a whole. Personnel development thus becomes a strategic core element, which we are happily supporting you in improving.

            Many companies ask themselves how they can organize their processes more efficiently in order to improve their value creation and achieve competitive advantages. Personnel development can only be effective if it is oriented towards the goals and potentials of the people in the organization. Person and task are moving ever closer together, and the coupling of meaning between people and the company represents a significant intrinsic motivational factor. Personnel development is not the sole responsibility of HR, but of all those responsible in the company. Therefore, it cannot be copied. Our concepts focus on a broad impact.

            Qualified employees are the basis for the success of a company. Therefore, entrepreneurs must ensure that they have employees with the required skills available in the medium and long term.

            HR development can become a strategic core element, strengthen the employer brand and thus also lead to a competitive advantage - because in the face of the "war for talent" and shortage of skilled workers, excellently trained employees are difficult to recruit and retain.

            Human resource development is linked to numerous demands. At the same time, management always keeps an eye on the contribution of human resource development to competitiveness. Managers value motivated and satisfied employees whose skills and abilities are up to date. With regard to individual and professional wishes on the part of employees, the primary focus is on deepening and expanding knowledge in order to remain attractive for the labour market.

            The term "talent management", which is established and contemporary in the context of human resource development, is considered a subarea of classic human resource development, which is associated with the recruitment, promotion, commitment and retention of particularly talented employees, the so-called "high potentials", and which is also considered the supreme discipline of strategic human resource development.

            In addition to optimising the competitive situation and the company's success, the goals of human resource development include, above all, systemic objectives in which both the company and the employees benefit equally. In the course of this, it is essential to continuously promote both the methodical and professional as well as the social and personal competences of the employees in order to not only secure the existence of skilled workers in the long term, but also to recognise potential new talent in good time and to maximise motivation and satisfaction in the workplace in a sustainable and efficient manner.

            We support HR managers and executives in identifying strategic approaches and transferring them to the individual potential of teams and individuals in a sustainable manner. The goal of strategic HR development is to ensure in the long term that the right employees can be deployed in the required positions at the required time.

            Individuelle Personalentwicklung

            Why individual potential development?

            Employees (or "co-entrepreneurs") are the starting point of any activity in the company. They create the essential added value, fit with each other and with the organization. If employees are healthy and committed, this increases productivity, innovative strength and customer satisfaction, while at the same time reducing absenteeism.

            High-performing employees find an environment in which they can develop their potential to the full. They can do what they are best at every day. They experience their work as meaningful, perform as many different activities and holistic tasks as possible, make a contribution to the big picture, can help shape their work and use freedom productively. They have opportunities for personal development, are recognized for their achievements, participate in the company's success and are socially integrated.

            Im globalen und digitalen Zeitalter sind wir heute mit einem dynamischen Arbeitsumfeld konfrontiert. Dies hat zur Folge, dass die Personalentwicklung als isolierte Organisation mit einer starren, zentralisierten Struktur nicht mehr zeitgemäß agieren kann. Empowerment der Mitarbeitenden ist mehr gefragt denn je, doch kann dies nicht  einfach indoktriniert werden. Mehr Freiheiten zu leben, setzt ein neues Denken von Zusammenarbeit und Leadership in Unternehmen voraus.

            Um im globalen Wettbewerb die Innovations- und Zukunftsfähigkeit zu erhalten, ist die Vernetzung der Personalentwicklung mit der Organisationsentwicklung, der Eignungsdiagnostik und der Organisation des Wissensmanagements notwendig geworden.

            Faktoren wie Demographie und psychologische Faktoren spielen ebenso eine Rolle wie die Anpassung der Maßnahmen an die steigende Eigenverantwortung der Mitarbeitenden selbst. Mehr Kooperation untereinander im Kleinen wie im Großen, individualisierte Angebote und die Beteiligung von leistungsfähigen Teams an der Gestaltung von Entwicklungspfaden begünstigt die agile Steuerung der Herausforderungen. 

            Jetzt muss die (gesunde) Organisation als Ganzes transformiert und an neue Herausforderungen angepasst werden, denn nur so wird Ihr Unternehmen zu einem starken Arbeitgeber und kann den Erfolg langfristig sichern. Alle sitzen in einem Boot – und wenn jede*r Mitarbeiter*in in die gleiche Richtung steuert, sind Erfolge einfacher und schneller zu erreichen.

            Das praktische Ziel der strategischen Personalentwicklung ist es, die richtigen Menschen in die richtigen Positionen im Unternehmen zu bringen und ihre Kenntnisse weiterzuentwickeln. Mit den Anforderungen der VUCA-Welt sollte die PE erkennen, dass es neue Strategien erfordert, genau herauszufinden, was welcher Mitarbeiter wann lernen möchte, kann und muss.

            Im Recruiting spielt die Marke des Arbeitgebers einmal mehr eine entscheidende Rolle. Um sich im Bewerbermarkt als Top-Arbeitgeber zu etablieren, bedarf es einer aktiven Arbeitgeberkommunikation. Jobsuchende sollten von einer Stellenausschreibung möglichst begeistert sein und gleichzeitig einen deutlichen, positiven Mehrwert beim Unternehmen sehen.

            Unternehmenskultur, Authentizität, Nachhaltigkeit, Mitarbeiterangebote, Zukunft perspektiven und Job-Bewertungsportale helfen Bewerbern bei der Entscheidungsfindung.

            Individual and team coaching

            Intensive sparring for executives makes decision-makers fit for the job in a constantly changing environment. The starting situation is always different. That's why we develop your personal, social and methodological skills individually and together with you.

            • Goal-oriented development of key individuals and teams
            • Executive Coaching - sparring for your top executives
            • Transition coaching when taking over a new job
            • Coaching of key persons in change processes
            • Career consulting with a focus on identifying the uniqueness of a person (Genius Model) and deriving suitable career steps
            • Transfer coaching within the framework of development programs to support individual transfer
            • Methods are not an end in themselves, but a means to an end. Coaching methods must therefore be adapted to individual situations, and these are as multifaceted as you are. No two coaching sessions are the same, and the fundamental basis for a professional approach is an appreciation for and in-depth understanding of the coachee's personality.

            Coaching, or more precisely business coaching, is a process-oriented and accompanying consultation. This means that the coach accompanies the coachee in an advisory and individual manner in a professional and personal development, without prescribing goals or solutions. The focus in coaching is therefore on the advisory support for the realization of a self-determined development process.

            Intensive sparring for executives makes decision-makers fit for the job in a constantly changing environment. The starting situation is always different. That's why we develop your personal, social and methodological skills individually and together with you. The effectiveness of coaching has already been proven in numerous studies. Coaching can have a positive effect on professional and personal development and increase personal well-being. Our experienced REFLECT coaches know how professional, private life and personal well-being affect each other and support you in holistic self-development in all three areas.

            Potential diagnostics

            Potential diagnostics enables the analysis of the strengths, potentials, talents, competencies and development areas of managers and executives. In addition, management diagnostics provides insights into their personality and helps to understand and evaluate motives, characteristics, values, attitudes, competencies as well as the behavior of managers. Using data from 360° feedbacks, interviews, questionnaires and observations, the personal and professional factors just mentioned can be measured and decisions can be made.

            Meaningful analysis

            By using suitable procedures to survey the potential of your employees and leaders in your company, we are able to determine targeted personnel development measures. In turn, we can measure and evaluate the success of these measures. On this basis, we weigh up the self-assessments, external assessments and target assessments and also use the values determined for subsequent or further development measures.

            Transparent results

            With the knowledge gained from the analysis, we can develop modern talent management systems for you - gladly also on the basis of already scientifically validated ones. Through online-supported procedures, we keep the necessary effort efficient and ensure speed and transparency of the competence analyses within your potential assessment processes.

            Management diagnostics enables the analysis of the strengths, potentials, talents, competencies and development areas of managers and executives. Furthermore, management diagnostics provides insights into their personality and helps to understand and evaluate motives, characteristics, values, attitudes, competencies as well as the behavior of managers.

            Effective management diagnostics offer many benefits. On the one hand, it increases the fairness and traceability, and thus also acceptance, of succession, career path or recruiting decisions. In addition, diagnostic methods provide a wealth of information and thus an opportunity for monitoring and development analysis. Management diagnostics increase decision-making reliability, promote strategically sensible personnel and management development, and enable the composition of an effective management team.

            Are you planning the further development of your managers and would like to conduct a potential diagnosis? Would you like to introduce a new competency model in your company? We would be happy to introduce you to our innovative concepts in the area of assessment and development centers or advise and develop optimal competence models for you together with you.

            With the knowledge gained in the analysis, we can develop modern talent management systems for you - gladly also on the basis of already scientifically proven procedures. Using online-supported instruments, we keep the necessary effort efficient and ensure speed and transparency of the competence analyses within your potential assessment processes.


            • Clear concepts with regard to potential, talent, strengths and competencies of your employees
            • Diagnostic tools (e.g. Genius, Insights MDI, OPQ)
            • Design and development of appropriate talent management systems
            • Design and implementation of assessment, development centers and management audits
            • Elicitation of targeted personnel development measures

            These experts support you in the effective strategic personnel development

            Ingo Kallenbach
            Ingo Kallenbach
            Manager REFLECT

            REFLECT Notes

            Want a dose of inspiration? We provide you with in-depth know-how and exciting insights on the topics of agile transformation, leadership and HR development.

            KI - Die Neue im Personalbereich Reflect


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            Contact person who helps to recognize and unfold potentials.

            Guide to Digital Working

            Guidance on how to conduct digital meeting and workshops professionally.

            Management Diagnostics

            Instrument for the professional suitability of your managers.

            New Work

            Multi-territorial, dynamic and identity-creating organization.

            Potential Development

            Increasing the existing potential.

            Strategic Potential Development

            Know potentials, talents and strengths and develop them effectively.

            Let us strengthen your opportunities together!

            I look forward to hearing from you.

            UWE HEIDE
            Uwe Heide